We have been so blessed to see so many new faces come through our doors in recent months and years. The elders of DEC have deemed it appropriate for the church to move to 2 services in order to accommodate our growing congregation. Below is a form we would love for you to fill out in order to hear everyone’s voice and opinion as we move into this new season for our church.

Our suggested times for our services will be 10am and 11:45am. With both services being roughly 1 hour long with time for tea and coffee after both services. Kids ministries are proposed to be available at 11:45am with an unmanned creche for the first service where you will be able to listen to the service. We are also proposing to stream the 11:45am service to YouTube.

Have your say.

Let us know what you think. Have any questions or concerns that we can address? Do you have any constructive feedback that we can work on? We want to hear what you have to say.